Ashtanga Yoga at Denver Mysore

Your space to explore and grow your practice through gentle guidance. The Denver Mysore community welcomes you to join us in the common language of breath and movement, focus and concentration, patience and perseverance in the gradual unfolding of Ashtanga yoga.


Denver Mysore has evolved over its many years, in an attempt to bring people together to grow, share and learn about Ashtanga yoga and how it may enrich life and our community.

Our focus is not on the quantity of students we can squeeze into a room. We esteem the quality – and more importantly – the self awareness of each individual student. Come explore the depths of yourself on your mat and awaken the guru inside.

Teacher: Christina Toyota

I've been teaching yoga since 2009. My asana practice and teaching draws inspiration from all my teachers, particularly Sharmila Desai in Goa, India. As Sharmila would say “the IN-volution” of my self continues. I complement my asana practice with yoga philosophy studies with Andrew Eppler and the teachings given by various scholars in Mysore, India.

I find great joy assisting students in their path to discover the best versions of themselves. The postures are just the start, the journey continues and I embrace the eternal student in us all as we continue to expand and grow. Trust the process, all will fall into place.

Assistant Teacher: John Roemer

Guided by a desire for consistency and routine, John discovered the Denver Mysore community in 2021. Since then, he has maintained a daily practice and began studying under Christina as an assistant teacher in 2024.

Outside of the studio, John is a visual artist and Boston terrier dad. Find John and Oscar (🐾) perusing CDs at Twist and Shout, taking photographs on Colfax or playing Magic the Gathering.

Joan Isbell & Eric Stauffer Denver Mysore Community Founders

Joan and Eric happily reside in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are forever grateful for the 20 years they taught, built, and nurtured the Ashtanga yoga community in Denver. We exist today because of all the groundwork laid by them and their tireless efforts and commitment to the practice community.


Drop-in $25 Purchase
6 classes monthly $90 Purchase
Unlimited classes monthly $130 Purchase


Studio 8
910 Santa Fe Drive (on the east side of Santa Fe)
Denver, CO 80204

street parking available - no lot


Mysore classes are a well-established and traditional way to learn and practice the Ashtanga yoga sequence. Students may arrive at anytime within the class and practice at their own pace. The teacher offers guidance to develop and advance each individual's practice. They are ideal for beginners as well as advanced practitioners.

Moon Days 2025

Full and new moon days are observed as rest days in the Ashtanga tradition.

Full Moon New Moon
January 13th 29th
February 12th 27th
March 14th 29th
April 12th 27th
May 12th 26th
June 11th 25th
July 10th 24th
August 9th 22nd
September 7th 21st
October 6th 21st
November 5th 19th
December 4th 19th